About Us

Wet Wave Blocker was born out of passion for hair care.  It was started in 2022 by a group of wavers who wanted to create a product to push the culture forward. We realized that our biggest frustration was not having the best shower protection which ultimately led to losing progress we’d made. We believe that long days of brushing shouldn’t go to waste after your hair gets wet over and over. So, what’s the best solution? The answer was to create an ultra-fitted watertight cap to use in the shower. Wavers would typically use plastic grocery bags, their girlfriend/mom’s bonnets, and even worse just a fabric Du-rag. To be an elite waver, you need elite hair protection and that means going further than just wearing a Du-rag and a daily moisturizer. You wouldn’t write an entire essay just not to save it right? So don’t do that to your waves.

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